ML Code inside Docker Container

Shubham kumar
2 min readMay 29, 2021


Task Description 📄
👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container
👉 In Container you need to copy/create a machine learning model which you have created in Jupiter notebook
👉 Create a blog/article/video step by step you have done in completing this task.

The First step is to install Docker & for that, you can refer to: Click Here

👉Pulling Centos Image: —

docker pull centos # pulling centos image

👉creating a new container by:-
→ $ docker run -it centos

2.Install the Python software on the top of the docker container:-
→ $ Yum install python3

3.In Container you need to copy/create a machine learning model which you have created in Jupyter notebook i.e python code):-

👉For copying the code from base os to container we can use the “Docker cp “ command. (see doc)

For Sample ML code & Dataset, here is GitHub link:



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