“AWS Community Day: Where Innovation Meets Imagination”AGENDA:- → 🙄What is AWS community day? → 🌃Why You should join? → 📚What I learn? → 🤔How should you join? → 🤳Glimpses.Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023
Connecting Frontend(apache web)& Backend(MYSQL) on Cloud(Aws)🔅 Create an AWS EC2 instance 🔅 Configure the instance with Apache Webserver. 🔅 Download PHP application name “WordPress”. 🔅 As…Oct 17, 2022Oct 17, 2022
K-mean clustering and its real use case in the security domainK-means clustering uses “centroids”, K different randomly-initiated points in the data, and assigns every data point to the nearest…Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
Confusion Matrix → nOw No MoRe CoNfUsIoN + How it helps Cyber World.Confusion matrixJun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
ML Code inside Docker ContainerTask Description 📄 👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container 👉 Install the Python…May 29, 2021May 29, 2021
Creating a Setup so that you can ping google but not able to ping FacebookFirst, try pinging both Google and Facebook,Mar 8, 2021Mar 8, 2021
Task 11🔰 11.1 Configure Hadoop and start cluster services using Ansible PlaybookJan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
TASK -10 -🔰Write an Ansible PlayBook that does the following operations in the managed nodesJan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Practical Implementation on Automation Using Ansible with RedHat Experts Session‼️FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY -> Great Industrial Experts has come up in any official RH294 training to explain students about the…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
Setting up WebServer on Docker and python interpreterFor how to install docker and use refer to my previous story: click hereNov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
Installing docker on RHEL8/Centos/fedoraI’m Installing docker on rhel8 enterprise version although enterprise version doesn’t support but with a trick i will do that, so let’s…Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020